Monday, 4 June 2007

Inspiration By His Creation

I open my eyes and witness Your splendor
Subhanak, Allah, the Perfect creator

Creator of the glimmering stars and vast sky,
Amazingly in a great way, Lord of the Universe, Most High

People of the Earth, can you see--
The Bounties of your Lord given to you with no fee?

Did you pay for the breath that you just took--
Or have you written a check for these eyes by which you look?

You know these bones you use to walk,
And the mouth that lets you talk

Are blessings of your Lord
-Such favors that money can never afford

Ever seen the beautiful clouds on a clear sunny day--
See how the grass bows and the tall yellow flowers sway?

Ever sat out in the rain and thought--
"Without this, we'd suffer drought"

Have you witnessed the majestic thunder--
How it glorifies Allah in its own way and wonder?

Have you woken up on the song sang by the Rooster--
Trying to wake you up for Fajr--his way of giving you a booster?

Ever seen a praying mantis building its nest--
that insect that you might consider a pest?

Watch the Sunset on the horizon and contemplate,
Or look upon the moon and stars and meditate

Verily, we can't count the blessings and creation Allah made
If we were to list them out with the ink of several oceans, before finish, the ink would fade

Oh Allah, the Most Devine,
Please show me a sign

To soften my heart,
A sign that shows if I really do my part
Before the time comes for me to depart

Ameen, Ameen, Ameen Ya Rab