Friday, 22 June 2007

Spiritual Darkness

There is always spiritual darkness in the talk and writing of an irreligious
and deviated person even if he speaks or writes about the Deen,(Islam).On the
contrary,the conversation or the writing of a religious man radiate Nur (spiritual re)
even if it pertains to a worldly subject.

The reason for this is that the fountain of speech is the heart.The heart
exercises its effect on the tongue and in the writing.If the heart is spiritually darkened
such darkness will become manifest in one's speech and writing.If the heart glows
with spiritual brilliance,such light will glow in ones speech and writing.It is,therefore,
essential to abstain from the company of irreligious persons and from reading the books
of irreligious persons.The effect which the company of an irreligious person exercises will also
be the product of his writings.This then is the danger in studying the books of deviates and modernists who are defective in Imaan and wanting in virtuous deeds.