Monday, 2 July 2007

The Robes Of Humanity

A Student engaged in the acquisition of western education switched to Deeni (Islamic)
studies.Someone asked him the reason for cutting short his western education.
The student replied:
'I desired to don the robes of humanity,for it is well-known that people are identified
by there national garb.Allah Almighty has specified the type of garment in the Quran.he says:
'And the robes of Taqwa (God fearing) are best.

This robe of Taqwa is not obtainable without the knowledge of the Dean.True and perfect
knowledge of the Deen is in the arabic language,hence the robes of humanity lies in arabic.
I have,therefore,switched from english to arabic to commence my Deeni education.'

(Maulana Maseehullah)