Friday, 5 October 2007

Whats New?

Assalamu Alaikum

Well,its the 23rd fast today!Ramadhans just flown by,as i mentioned in a post beforehand!Last night was one of the odd nights,and although i didn't do enough of Ibaadah (worship) i hope it was enough,and that my prayers were accepted.I sincerely hope this Ramadhan finishes with 30 fasts and not 29,Eid on a Friday would be awfully hectic!But khair,whenever Allah wills.

Iv been thinking about my birthday which is approaching be hitting 20,you know,the big 2-OH,and i really dont feel it.i'm still 16 at heart and probably look it too:P But yeah,i hope i haven't wasted the years and that i wont waste the years to come.
On a completely different note-thinking of the one-ness of God (Tawheed),i came across a couple of couplets that caught and held my attention.
In everything there is a sign
Which attests to the fact that He is one.

When the droppings (of a camel) indicate the presence of a Camel
And the footprints (of a human being) indicate the presence of a human
Then why would the heavens and the earth,with all their magnificence and glamour
Not point to the existence of a Mighty Creator!

eloquently spoken by a Bedouin when he was asked how he knew that Allah exists.

InshaAllah i will be going for Hajj this year-:) i thought id include a beautiful picture of one of the Holy mosques,Masjid-e-Nabawi (the prophets mosque) in Medinah.


Anonymous said...

Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh-

Nice blog sis masha'Allah, I've enjoyed reading it thus far!

It's so true that these days of Ramadhan are going by so fast, and already we are in the last 10 days. Subhana'Allah.

Keep up the writing sis :-) I'll be looking forward to it.